Date: 28/03/2025

DGTR recommends anti-dumping duty on Acetonitrile from China, Russia, Taiwan

The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has recommended the imposition of anti-dumping duty on the imports of Acetonitrile from China, Russia and Taiwan for five years, as per its notification. DGTR recommended anti-dumping duty that is equal to the lesser margin of dumping and the margin of injury to remove the injury to the domestic industry. Moreover, it has also recommended anti-dumping duty on the import of Pretilachlor, a herbicide, and roller chains from China. Acetonitrile of 98% or lower purity imported into the country competes with 99% Acetonitrile supplied by the domestic industry and is therefore required to be considered part of the product under consideration. According to DGTR, Acetonitrile is also known as MeCN (Methyl Cyanide), Cyano Methane, Ethane Nitrile, Ethyl Nitrile and Methane Carbonitrile, said a report.
Source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, March 27