Exim India


Welcome to Exim India

EXIM INDIA is a reputed and all-India recognised premier publishing house. It publishes a daily newspaper "Exim Newsletter" from Mumbai & Western India, Gujarat, New Delhi & North India and Exim India - 'Shipping Times' from Kolkata, Chennai, Cochin and Tuticorin for the last 47 years.

Through these daily editions, a wide coverage is given to all important news, views and reviews related to shipping, ports, maritime trade, imports and exports in India and abroad. The combined circulation/readership of all editions is over 2, 00, 000 copies daily.

The special feature of all these daily editions of EXIM is that it is mainly dedicated in publishing up-to-date shipping schedules of all major ports in India along with the news on exports and imports.

The regular features in our publications include:
  • News, views and analysis related to shipping, ports, ICD’s, CFC and other maritime trade, etc.
  • Forward Sailing Schedules of all Major ports in India
  • Indian Products for World Market
  • Overseas Trade Enquiries
  • Foreign Exchange Rates
  • Customs Exchange Rates for Import & Export
  • Customs, JCCIE & EPC notices, trade notification and Public notices (Notice to consignee)



Besides, EXIM INDIA also brings out regular Special Issues on all Major Ports in India.
The other publications of EXIM INDIA include Port Directory, and exclusive 'World Route Maps' and 'Pocket Atlas' for the use of Importers-Exporters, Shipping lines, Freight forwarders and other Logistics sector players. Besides, EXIM INDIA also brings out regular Special Issues on all Major Ports in India!