Date: 21/11/2024

In-depth study to assess India’s potential entry into global container shipping business

India is trying a foray into the global container shipping business and has entrusted a study to top consultants to suggest a roadmap. The effort will be led by the Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR), which, as per reports, is evaluating the opportunity of foraying into the global container shipping business catering to the Export-Import (EXIM) trade. CONCOR will be assigning an in-depth study to one of three shortlisted consultancy firms — Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC – to prepare a roadmap. South Asia and the Middle East will be the first focus areas. The study will address the market opportunity and its attractiveness, activities and resources needed including financial considerations, and steps required to establish a competitive presence in the global container shipping industry. The study will also identify strategic market segments and potential routes for service offerings, the reports said.
source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, Nov. 20