Date: 09/09/2024

Ports begin screening for mpox

Global ports have begun screening ships coming from some African ports for mpox. Seafarers are being screened for mpox in the wake of a new, more virulent strain of the virus being detected in Africa. Ports in Singapore, India, Bangladesh, China and Uruguay are among those to have put in place seafarer health checks for any ships that have travelled recently from Africa. An entire ship’s crew was quarantined recently in Argentina over fears that the skin lesions found on one seafarer were a strain of mpox, something that following health checks was later found to be chicken pox. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared mpox to be a global public health emergency for the second time in two years as a new variant of the virus spread rapidly in Africa, as per a report. 
source; Exim News Service: Singapore, Sept. 8