Page 11 - MUMBAI - 02 MAY 2024
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EXIM                                                                                               11

           INDIA    newsletter  Mumbai, Thursday, May 2, 2024
              Impact of hostilities on the Strait of

                          Hormuz and the LNG trade

             Exim News Service            imports from Qatar every year,     demand remains stable in Europe
                       LONDON, May 1      respectively (based on the 2023    and Asia.
         THE  recent  Iran-Israel  hostili-  trade statistics).                However,  the  situation  could
       ties have escalated the tensions in   Meanwhile, European importers   deteriorate if the closure extends to
       the Middle East and raised concerns   including the UK, Italy and Belgium   several weeks or months, stalling
       over LNG trade through the Strait of   will also need to source LNG from   about 5-6 million tonnes of supply
       Hormuz (SoH), a key and only feasible   other countries, if supply from Qatar   per month from Qatar and the UAE.
       passage for Qatar and the UAE to   becomes impassable.                In terms of LNGC loadings, about
       export LNG. Any further escalation,   We believe that a complete closure   16-17 LNGCs will be idled if supply
       leading to the closure of the SoH could   of the Strait of Hormuz is highly   is halted for a week, while 60-70
       impact LNG shipping as 21% of the   unlikely as Iran exports all of its oil   LNGC loadings will be affected in
       global LNG supply could be affected,   and LPG cargoes through it and other   a month.
       says Drewry in an analysis.        Middle Eastern countries traversing   LNG shipping could reap in the
         It elaborates:                   via SoH will have severe repercus-  benefits of short/partial closure
         The Strait of Hormuz is a vital   sions  if  it  is  blocked.  Meanwhile,   of the SoH: So far, LNGC spot rates
       strategic passage for the Middle East,   the global economy will be hit by   have not shown any reaction to the
       supporting its international trade and   a massive supply deficit of natural   escalated situation. Rates have con-
       regional integration. The artery is   resources as 30% of oil, 20% of LNG   tinued to slide since the beginning of
       significant for the LNG sector as two   and 40% of LPG will be affected by   this month due to tepid demand, mild
       key LNG exporters – Qatar and UAE   the potential closure. However, this   weather and ample inventories.
       - export their LNG shipments via the   will have short-term repercussions   We believe the partial closure of
       SoH with no other possible alterna-  on LNG.                          the SoH could support LNG ship-
       tive available. Thus, any action by   Iran-Israel conflict: Impact on   ping  amid  vessels  diverting  away
       Iran, leading to the closure will have   LNG market and shipping      from the Middle East in search of
       significant implications for the LNG   LNG  prices  spike: Asian Spot   new  employment  as  importers  will
       market. However, the extent of the   and TTF were up 14% and 15% WoW,   seek substituted cargoes from other
       impact will differ and depend on the   respectively, on 20 April 2024 amid   destinations, leading to some shifts
       duration of the closure.           the escalated tensions in the Middle   in current trade patterns. Although
         In 2023, Qatar exported about 81   East. Prices are now more than $10   the shift in trade will be sustainable
       million tonnes of LNG and the UAE   per MMBtu, after hovering below   for a short period (assuming up to
       exported 4 million tonnes, contribut-  this level for the last three months.   five months), we expect an increased
       ing 21% to the global supply. Any sup-  We expect LNG prices to be volatile   US-Asia trade, providing impetus to
       ply blockage will not only hurt export-  in tandem with prolonged conflict in   LNG shipping rates – mainly due
       ers of these two countries but will also   the Middle East, threatening supply   to huge vessel absorption as US
       compel key importers to scout for new   cuts, which will keep LNG players   shipments will continue to take the
       sources. Between Asia and Europe,   on the edge.                      COGH  instead  of  the  Panama  and
       the former will have a much greater   We also expect Asian spot to    Suez Canals, generating extra tonne-
       impact as 70% of Qatar’s volumes are   maintain its premium over TTF as   mile demand.
       exported to Asia while 20% to Europe.  any supply cut from the Middle East   Thus, short-term supply disrup-
         Some countries, such as India    will impact Asian buyers more than   tion will lead to demand alternation,
       and China,  will be  at high risk   European ones. However, the growth   supporting LNG shipping and aiding
       as these countries source about    in LNG prices will be moderate due to   LNG prices.
       45% and 25% of their total LNG     high storage and stable gas demand   However, we are pessimistic
                                          in Europe.                         about LNG shipping if the complete
                                            The extent of supply shortage
       Cotton exports soar 137 pc         will depend on the duration of     closure of the SoH extends for a lon-
              Exim News Service           SoH closure: According to Drewry   ger period (assuming one year). Any
                                                                             supply shortage for a long duration
                     NEW DELHI, May 1     AIS, Qatar exports about 0.2 mil-  will harm LNG shipping, further
         COTTON exports during October-   lion tonnes of LNG per day, while   tightening the market. On the other
       March were up 137 per cent at 18 lakh   the UAE exports nearly 10 thousand   hand, fleet availability will grow with
       bales compared to the 7.59 lakh bales   tonnes per day. We believe the impact   several vessels being idled due to
       logged in the same period last year,   of any supply disruption from these   LNG supply shortage while about 60
       as per the latest estimates released   countries will be directly proportional   new LNGCs are expected to join the
       by  the  Cotton  Association  of  India   to the duration of the closure. If Iran   current fleet this year. Consequently,
       (CAI), the apex trade body. India had   blocks SoH for a few days or weeks, we   this will lead to vessel oversupply,
       exported 15.59 lakh bales during the   expect no major impact on the LNG   which inevitably will dent the LNG
       2022-23 season. This sharp spike dur-  market and shipping, as currently,   shipping rates.
       ing the first half of the current season
       is particularly notable when compared   Navy ships deployed to protect international
       to India’s total cotton exports of 15.59        shipping routes: Jaishankar
       lakh bales for the entire 2022-23 sea-
       son that ended in September 2023.        Exim News Service            trade  costs  down.  This  endeavour
       The massive 137 per cent year-over-             NEW DELHI, May 1      has enhanced India’s stature in the
       year increase in exports from October   TWENTY-ONE Indian Navy ships   world, he added. EAM Jaishankar
       2023 to March 2024 can be attributed   have been deployed to secure the   also  highlighted India’s  economic
       to several factors, according to trade   shipping routes amid Houthi attacks   growth  and  its  ongoing  journey  to
       experts. Indian cotton prices remained   in the Red Sea, said External Affairs   become the third largest economy
       very competitive on the global market   Minister Mr S. Jaishankar during an   in the world, emphasising that the
       for a large portion of this period, mak-  interactive session here this week.   decisions India makes at home are
       ing it an attractive option for overseas   The vessels are protecting the inter-  keenly watched around the globe, as
       buyers, said a report.             national shipping routes and keeping   per a report.
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