Page 14 - MUMBAI - 02 MAY 2024
P. 14

14                                                    EXIM         newsletter  Mumbai, Thursday, May 2, 2024
       HTOA’s Extraordinary General Body Meeting

       From page 3
       country were made aware of the upcom-
       ing regulatory changes in the ODC/OWC
       transportation segment by virtue of the
       Ministry of Road Transport and High-
       ways’ (MoRTH)  order dated  17.01.2024
       which restricts overall height to 4.75 m
       from road level & movement over large
       span bridge structures >50 metres.
         The house unanimously agreed on adop-
       tion of safe practices and resolved that:
         H  HTOA  members will  support each
       other and guide other operators to work
       in harmony, and not opt for incorrect and
       unethical practices.
         H Members will communicate and guide op-
       erators not to: a) Overload the cargo; b) Carry
       more than one package per Modular Trailer;
       and c) Tamper or deviate from the MoRTH permission.  and conducted by Mr Nilesh Sinha, General Secretary. The
         H Managing Committee and/or Safety & Regulatory   other Board members present were Mr Rajesh Gupta, Mr
       Committee  is authorised to take appropriate  action   Zarksis J. Parabia, Mr Suhas Labde, Mr Nitin Kumar Singal,
       against violators, including complaining to MoRTH, in-  Mr Bharat Gandhi, Mr H. S. Acharya, Mr Jignesh Patel, Mr
       forming other Statutory authorities and taking action as   Manish Kataria, Mr Nailesh Gandhi, Mr Pawan Jain, Mr Ro-
       per MOA, AOA of Association.                        shanlal Bhalothia, Mr Sarabjit Singh and Mr Shrenik Katar-
         The meeting was chaired by Mr Sameer Parikh, Chairman    ia, along with a large number of members, informed a release.
       Impact of Red Sea crisis on schedule reliability reverting

         Exim News Service       percentage  points  M/M  to   reliability in March 2024,   Hai… On a Y/Y level, none
         COPENHAGEN, May 1       54.6%. That said, reliabil-  with the largest improve-  of the 13 carriers recorded
         SEA-INTELLIGENCE        ity is still not on par with   ment of 11.1 percentage   an increase in schedule re-
       has published issue 152   pre-crisis.  On  a Y/Y  level,   points recorded by Wan   liability…”
       of the Global Liner Perfor-  schedule  reliability  in
       mance (GLP) report, with   March  2024  was  down  by            Kailash Parekh
       schedule reliability figures   -7.9 percentage points. The   From page 3       Parekh said, “I am deep-
       up to and including March   average delay for LATE   a wealth of experience and   ly thankful to the man-
       2024. As the report itself   vessel arrivals decreased   a vast network of personal   agement of Parekh Group
       is quite comprehensive    by -0.52 days M/M to 5.03   connections with esteemed   for their unwavering sup-
       and covers schedule reli-  days, improving marginal-  business houses, shipping   port  throughout  my  jour-
       ability across 34 different   ly over the pre-crisis figure   lines and trade stakehold-  ney, and I am thrilled to
       trade lanes and 60+ carri-  of November 2024.       ers. His remarkable con-   embark  on  this  exciting
       ers, this press release will   “Wan Hai was the     tributions  were  also  rec-  venture with KGL Group.
       only cover the global high-  most reliable top-13 car-  ognised at a prestigious   Together, we are poised
       lights from the full report,   rier in March 2024  with   shipping event in Mumbai,   to  redefine  industry  stan-
       it said in the communique,   schedule  reliability  of  where he was bestowed   dards and drive innovation
       which elaborated:         59.7%. Hapag-Lloyd  and   with the Award for Excel-  in maritime commerce”.
         “As the round-Africa    ZIM  followed  with  sched-  lence in Customer Service   AUM Maritime Pvt.
       routings normalise, and the   ule reliability of 56.1%   & Marketing in 2016.  Ltd, a Group Company of
       carriers’  service  networks   each. There were another   Expressing  gratitude  Kalash Global Logistics
       stabilise, schedule reliabil-  8 carriers  above  the 50%   for his tenure at Parekh   Pvt. Ltd,  is  committed  to
       ity has started to improve,   mark… 11  of the top-13   Group and embracing the   delivering unparalleled so-
       with  the  March  2024  fig-  were able to record a M/M   new chapter with AUM   lutions in the maritime sec-
       ure improving by 1.6      improvement in  schedule    Maritime Pvt. Ltd,  Mr   tor, emphasised a release.
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