Page 12 - MUMBAI - 02 MAY 2024
P. 12
12 EXIM newsletter Mumbai, Thursday, May 2, 2024
Vizhinjam Port gets Indian Register of Shipping partners with MARIN
nod to operate as to enhance technical expertise in shipbuilding
transhipment hub Exim News Service
Exim News Service MUMBAI, May 1
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM/ THE Indian Register of Shipping
NEW DELHI, May 1 (IRS), a leading international ship clas-
THE Centre has reportedly sification society, this week signed a
given sanction to Adani’s Vizhin- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
jam Port in Kerala to operate with the Maritime Research Institute
as a transhipment port -- a first Netherlands (MARIN), thereby dem-
for the country. The proposal to onstrating its commitment to meet the
designate it as a Customs-noti- requirements of its clients for advanced
fied port has also been made, it maritime technology.
is learnt. Current regulations The MoU marks an important mile-
require the Shipping Ministry’s stone for both organisations as they
nod to prevent competing proj- collaborate to perform Hydrodynamic Studies and Model Testing on ongo-
ects from being permitted before ing new construction projects. Furthermore, the MoU provides for expanding
capacity at operational ports is this collaboration to all future projects classed by IRS for Indian shipyards.
saturated. This approval paves MARIN, a globally renowned maritime research institute, will contribute to the
the way for Customs to set up an partnership by sharing scientific knowledge and providing hydrodynamic research
office at Vizhinjam Port. It will services to IRS and its clients on a project-by-project basis. IRS will also have access
be India’s first full-fledged deep- to MARIN's research facilities and tools in the Netherlands. This will enhance IRS'
water transhipment port. A final ability to provide state-of-the-art maritime solutions. IRS, on its part, will provide key
nod from the CBIC is expected inputs for the concerned projects, and ensure that the requirements of its clients are
in the coming three months. The fully met. To ensure that the aim is met, both parties will determine the final scope of
project aims to capture a por- the cooperation through definitive agreements for each project.
tion of the Indian cargo market, Mr PK Mishra, Joint Managing Director of IRS, said: “As part of our mission to el-
which amounts to over a million evate professional research in shipbuilding, this collaboration marks a significant step
containers transhipped annually forward. We aim to enhance our services by fostering innovation and excellence with
through foreign ports. In its ini- the help of MARIN's expertise and resources.”
tial phase, the port’s capacity is The numerous new construction projects currently under IRS classification, of
set to accommodate one million which a substantial number are defence projects, will benefit from the MoU, which,
TEUs, with an additional 6.2 through sharing of expertise between both organisations, will provide shipyards and
million TEUs planned for subse- designers with world class hydrodynamic services for existing and future projects, as
quent phases, as per a report. per a release.