Page 9 - CHENNAI - 18 FEBRUARY 2025
P. 9
9 Chennai, Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Vessel Name ETA Agent Cargo Vessel Name ETA Agent Cargo
W / E Quantity W / E Quantity
Iron Ore Great Rich 17/02 W Bothra Shipping Coal I-15000
Nav Laxmi 16/02 1 GPR Maritime I-82040
Wealthy Bay 17/02 W Seaport Services RBD/CPO I-3000
Catharina 15/02 3 GPR Maritime Coal I-82500
Everhard Schulte 18/02 E Seaport Services CPO I-11760
Maha Aarti 15/02 6 Merchant Shipping Coal I-77000
Zhida 2 18/02 E Puyvast Logistics Granite I-7000
Jal Kumud 16/02 8 Sarat Chatterjee Coal I-66036
Hai Yan 18/02 E Atlantic Global CPO I-8071.44
Darya Shaan WB1 Benline Agencies Cement E-21500
Magic Pluto 22/02 E Merchant Shipping Limestone I-74519
Zheng He 3 17/02 W Atlantic Global CSFO I-5000
Vishva Jyoti 17/02 W Sarat Chatterje Coal I-81700 SDTR Celeste 27/02 E JM Baxi Marine Coal I-76114
Note : B - Berthing A - Anchorage W - Waiting E - Expected KRISHNAPATNAM PORT - Tel : 0861-2377999
EXP / IMP Anch / EXP / IMP
Vessel Name ETA Berth Agent Cargo Vessel Name ETA Agent Cargo
Quantity DWP Quantity
Celeste 13/02 MB Imperial Alumina I-6058 ISS
Asian Pioneer 18/02 DWP Shipping Escaid 110 I-500
IVY Blue 26/01 Anch Lorvens Rice E-12074
SC Amber 20/02 DWP Jyothi Marine Sulphuric Acid I-5000
Marigoula 27/01 Anch Anline Rice E-2440
Alcyone 1 29/01 Anch Lotus Rice E-28449
OBE Queen 03/02 Anch Anline Rice E-29020
Breadfan 07/02 Anch Lotus Rice E-26490
Rek Elite 14/02 Anch Glory Faith Rice E-18393
Universal 28/01 WT Sri Oceanic CSFSO I-14820
Ships Sailed with Export Cargo
An Hai Vincent 12/02 WT Sri Srinivasa Quartz I-30000 L/S
HP Galaxy 14/02 WT Interocean Alumina I-28500 Vessel Name & Voy Sailed I.M.No Date Next Port TEUs
Noraya 17/02 WT Spartans Rice E-20000 MSC Elsa/SA337R 23/09/2023 - Colombo -
MSC Elsa 3/SA409R 05/03/2024 - Colombo -
Maritime Rosemary 17/02 WT Atlantic Diesel,Petrol I-10134
MSC Iris/XA412R 29/03/2024 - Colombo -
Seastar Venture 18/02 DWP Chowgule Alumina I-28593 Zunairah Zarisha 4 04/10/2024 - Chittagong -
KAKINADA DEEP WATER PORT Tel : 0884-2365089 / 2365889 Customs Dept. - 2345169
Logistics space absorption seen exceeding 25 pc
Exim News Service growth: Report will continue to be the key logistics
New Delhi, Feb. 17 hubs in 2025, with logistics park
iNDia’S logistics sector is advanc- logistics sector contributes 13-14% developers actively exploring op-
ing rapidly, propelled by increasing to india’s gDP and is expanding to portunities for land acquisition to
investments, digital transformation keep pace with the country’s rapid develop warehouses and fulfilment
and robust policy initiatives, and economic growth. The demand from centres in these key markets. There
2025 may exceed the 25% annual third party logistics (3P) players, has also been a significant push
growth seen in the industrial and e-commerce, retail businesses and by government initiatives like PM
logistics space absorption last year, manufacturing companies contin- gatiShakti and the National logis-
according to a new report from An- ues to drive logistics space demand. tics Policy in the last couple of years,
arock Capital. The warehousing and Chennai, Mumbai, Pune and NCr as per a report.
Green Logistics Market seen growing at 8.5 pc CAGR to $2.9 trn by 2033
Exim News Service a report by This emissions, heightened con- optimise supply chains and
loNDoN, Feb. 17 growth is underpinned by a sumer awareness about sus- reduce environmental im-
The global green lo- robust Compound annual tainability, and the rising pact. Europe held a signifi-
gistics Market is projected Growth Rate (CAGR) of demand for cost-effective, cant market share of 36.3%,
to experience substantial 8.5% over the forecast pe- low-emission logistics solu- valued at uSD 0.47 trillion,
growth, expanding from riod from 2024 to 2033. The tions across various indus- propelled by stringent envi-
uSD 1.3 trillion in 2023 to surge in market value is tries. The manufacturing ronmental regulations and
an impressive uSD 2.9 tril- primarily driven by increas- industry emerged as the strong government support
lion by 2033, growing at a ing regulatory pressures top industry vertical, le- for green initiatives, as per
Cagr of 8.5%, according to aimed at reducing carbon veraging green logistics to a report.