Page 5 - CHENNAI - 18 FEBRUARY 2025
P. 5

5                Chennai, Tuesday, February 18, 2025

                                         SERVICES Ex-CITPL
       FaR EaST MaDRaS EXpRESS SERVICE                                                      FME Service

                                                             Total Capacity /   ETA  ETA   ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA
        ETA  ETD  Vessel Name  Voy  V.I.A.No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner
                                                               (Reefer)  VIZ  W.PKL  N.PKL  SIN  MAN  BUS  TAO  SHA  SHK
        In Port  18/02  KMTC Mumbai  2501E  252009  1121024(29/01)  KMTC /  KMTC  -  19/02  25/02  -  -  -  06/03  09/03  10/03  16/03
        23/02  26/02  APL Turkey  0FDDUE1MA  252030  1123288(12/02)  CMA CGM / CGM CGM  -  27/02  05/03  -  04/03  -  13/03  15/03  17/03  21/03
       CHIna InDIa EXpRESS SERVICE                                                           CI3 Service

                                                                   Total Capacity /  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA  ETA
        ETA  ETD  Vessel Name  Voy   V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner
                                                                     (Reefer)  PKG  SIN  HPG  SHA  NBO  HKG  SHK
        21/02  23/02  OOCL Savannah  456E  252014  1121331(31/01)  OOCL / OOCL  -  27/02  01/03  05/03  09/03  12/03  13/03  14/03
        23/02  25/02  Seaspan Osaka  022E  252006  1121025(29/01)  ONE / ONE  -  01/03  03/03  07/03  11/03  14/03  15/03  16/03
       CHIna VIETnaM InDIa SERVICE                                                           CVI Service

                                        EM No.&               Total Capacity   ETA    ETA   ETA    ETA    ETA    ETA   ETA   ETA
        ETA  ETD  Vessel Name  Voy  V.I.A. No.     Agent/Liner
                                        (Date)                  /(Reefer)  GGV  VIZ  WPKL  VNITC  SIN  SHA  NBO  NAN
        20/02  22/02  Ever Dainty  186E  252027  1122911(10/02)  Evergreen / Evergreen  -  23/02  -  28/02  -  02/03  15/03  18/03  22/03
        03/03  04/03  Synergy Keelung  22E  -  -  RCL Agencies / RCL  Feeder  -  05/03  -  11/03  -  13/03  16/03  19/03  23/03
       InDIa EXpRESS SERVICE                                                                IEX2 Service

        ETA  ETD   Vessel Name  Voy   V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner  Total Capacity /(Reefer)  ETA  CMB  ETA WPKL  ETA  SIN
        21/02  23/02  Spirit Of Bertram  0ZNSWE1MA  252028  1123048(11/02)  CMA CGM / CMA CGM  -  25/02  -  29/02
       InDo-Bangla DIRECT  SERVICE                                                           IBD Service

        ETA  ETD   Vessel Name  Voy  V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner    Total Capacity/(Reefer)  ETA CGP
        27/02  01/03  Zunairah Zarisha 3  022  -   -        Osprey Shipping / CJ Darcl  -           06/03
       Ti2  SERVICE

         ETA  ETD  Vessel Name  Voy  V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner  Total Capacity/(Reefer)  ETA  Yangon  ETA THLCH
        In Port  18/02  Ti2 Apple  A2503E  252020  1122148(06/02)  Ti2 Shipping / Ti2 Shipping  -  -  26/02  02/03
       aDHoC  SERVICE

        ETA  ETD    Vessel Name  Voy  V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner  Total Capacity/(Reefer)  ETA CGP  ETA YGN
        18/02  19/02  BLPL Blessing  2502E  252012  1122401(07/02)   Transworld Global / BLPL  -  26/02  04/03
       poRT klang & SIngapoRE

        ETA   ETD  Vessel Name  Voy     V.I.A. No.  EM No.& (Date)  Agent/Liner  Total Capacity / (Reefer)  ETA S’ Pore  ETA WPKL  ETA PKG
        20/02  21/02  TB Kaiyuan  2503W/2503E  252029  1123411(13/02)  Oasis / Namsung  -  26/02  28/02  -
        26/02  27/02  Bridge   0001W\0001E  -       -       BTL / BTL       -          05/03    07/03    -
       Deendayal Port Authority takes another major

                  step towards women empowerment

         Exim News Service       since 1989, will
        gaNDhiDhaM, Feb. 17      utilise the cen-
         DeeNDayal Port au-      tre to provide
       thority (DPa) signed a    skill develop-
       Memorandum  of  under-    ment, liveli-
       standing (Mou) on wednes-  hood training,
       day with Ujjas Mahila San-  legal aid and health aware-
       gathan (uMS), a leading   ness  programs. The  total
       Kutch-based  women’s  or-  funding commitment is rs
       ganisation, to establish   119.48 lakh.
       a  dedicated  centre  for   The centre, set to com-  trades, enabling them to   DPa and ujjas Mahila San-
       women  empowerment  in    mence in March 2025, will   earn a livelihood. after the   gathan for the upliftment
       gopalpuri as part of DPa’s   be housed in the renovated   first year,  ujjas Mahila   of women in Gandhidham
       Corporate  Social  respon-  Kendriya vidyalaya build-  Sangathan will manage the   and its surrounding areas,
       sibility (CSr) initiatives.   ing  at  Gopalpuri,  which   centre on a self-sustaining   offering  them  opportuni-
       ujjas Mahila Sangathan,   will be handed over to Ujjas   basis, ensuring long-term   ties to become self-reliant
       which has been working for   Mahila Sangathan in a few   impact.              and address developmental
       women’s  economic,  social   days. About 1,200 women   This partnership under-  challenges,  highlighted  a
       and political empowerment   will be trained in various   scores the shared vision of   release.
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