Date: 20/11/2023

India approaches Brazil for pulses import deal

India has approached Brazil for a deal under which the South American country will undertake to grow tur and urad varieties with an obligation to export the products to India. In a recent visit of Brazilian officials from the agriculture ministry, India urged exploring the possibility of the deal. Domestic consumption of pulses is small while varieties such as urad and tur can be grown in Brazil because of conducive weather conditions. The possible collaboration with Brazil is aimed at reducing import dependence of urad and tur on a few countries. This year India  imported 2.13 million tonnes (mt) of pulses – 1.08 mt (lentil), 0.62 mt (tur or pigeon pea) and 0.42 mt (urad or black gram) -- mostly from Australia, Canada, Myanmar, Mozambique, Tanzania, Sudan and Malawi thus far, as per a report.
Source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, Nov. 19