Date: 20/11/2023

HPCL Mittal Energy makes a global impact with milestone polymer shipment

Boxcoworld ensures seamless logistics support
HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd (HMEL), a dynamic player in the energy and petrochemical sector, is proudly celebrating a momentous leap into the global arena. On November 10, 2023, the company achieved a significant milestone by dispatching a full rakeload of 45 containers, carrying an impressive 1,170 metric tonnes of polymer consignment.
This groundbreaking export not only underscores the cutting-edge capabilities of HMEL’s refinery and infrastructure, but also signals a strategic move into the international market. The recipient of this inaugural shipment is Samsung C & T Corporation, a global leader in polymer trading, with the consignment bound for China.
Boxcoworld Pvt. Ltd, a pioneer in end-to-end supply chain logistics solutions, played a pivotal role in ensuring seamless logistics support for this historic export. The success of this endeavour is not just a testament to HMEL’s commitment to excellence, but also reflects the adept utilisation of its in-house rail siding infrastructure for export purposes.
The flagging off witnessed the presence of key dignitaries, including the Head of Exports for HMEL, the India Head of Samsung C & T Corporation, and the President of Boxcoworld, alongside other notable figures from the refinery.
As HMEL forges ahead, the focus is on expanding its footprint in international markets. This strategic move is geared towards ensuring punctual deliveries for export parcels, further solidifying its standing as a key player on the global stage.
HMEL’s maiden foray into international exports speaks not only of its dedication to quality, but also represents a bold stride towards contributing to the growth of export markets. The flawless execution of this initial shipment sets the stage for HMEL’s continued success in the dynamic landscape of the global market, emphasised a release.
Source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, Nov. 19