Date: 18/09/2023

India monitoring import of apples, walnuts from the US
To ensure that there is no adverse impact on domestic producers, India is closely monitoring the import of apples and walnuts from the US. In response to strong criticism from the opposition parties on the recent import duty cuts on eight products from the US, including apples, walnuts and almonds, the Centre clarified that it was only retaliatory duties and not basic Customs duties that had been removed. There was no reduction in the Customs duty on apples, walnuts and almonds, which still applies to all imports, including US-origin products, at 50 per cent, 100 per cent and Rs100 per kg, respectively, it was explained. According to the Commerce Ministry, this measure will not result in any negative impact on domestic producers, as per a report.
Source: Exim News Service: New Delhi, Sept. 17