Date: 04/02/2025

EU’s scrap exports ban seen as challenge to India’s steel sector

India’s steel sector faces challenges as the EU considers banning steel scrap exports, impacting carbon-efficient steel production. The sector could see likely headwinds with the EU proposing to ban steel scrap exports, a key raw material in making the metal through the electric arc furnace route. The Economic Survey notes that the proposed scrap ban will significantly hinder developing countries’ capacities to produce more carbon-efficient steel. As per market data, average carbon emissions for steel produced through EAFs have an emission intensity of 0.4 to 0.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide per tonne of steel produced. In comparison, steel produced through the blast furnace route has a carbon emission intensity of around 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide per ton of steel produced. The average carbon emission intensity across Indian steel mills is around 2.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide per tonne of steel produced, as per a report.
Seurce: Exim News Service: New Delhi, Feb. 3