Date: 16/05/2024

WCO’s revamped Time Release Study e-learning course now available on CLiKC!

The World Customs Organization (WCO) has announced the release of an updated e-learning module on Time Release Study (TRS), now accessible on the CLiKC! platform.
The TRS is a strategic and internationally recognised tool designed to measure the average time taken to release or clear goods at borders. It tracks every step from the moment cargo arrives until its physical release.
This course provides practical guidance on conducting TRS, demonstrating how to execute each phase effectively. It starts with preparing for the study, then moves on to collecting, recording and analysing data, and finally ends with the monitoring and evaluation phase.
In summary, these updates to the TRS module reflect the WCO’s commitment to bridging the gap between theory and practical application, empowering Customs professionals and stakeholders with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to conduct efficient, effective and impactful TRS implementation tailored to diverse Customs environments. The module’s comprehensive approach includes integrating real-world scenarios, interactive exercises and role-playing activities to deepen understanding and immediate application of TRS methodologies. It also emphasises developing detailed work plans, addressing data collection methods, sampling techniques, process ownership, stakeholder engagement, and data quality assurance for informed decision-making and process improvements. Ultimately, these updates facilitate the efficient execution of TRS assessments and actionable strategies, enhancing trade facilitation outcomes worldwide.
The course is now available to all WCO Members on CLiKC!, the WCO’s e-learning platform, said a release.
Source: Exim News Service: Brussels, May 15