Date: 03/04/2024

US East Coast ports modify ops to absorb cargo after Baltimore
US East Coast ports are modifying their operations to absorb cargo diverted from Baltimore harbour, where salvage specialists are involved in the daunting task of clearing debris of the destroyed Francis Scott Key Bridge. The Port of Virginia, with terminals at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, opened a gate Monday at 5 am, an hour earlier than usual, to help accommodate more truckers. The Port of New York and New Jersey, expecting additional cargo including autos, is working to allow quick access for transport companies that usually go through Baltimore. A major railroad is expanding its services, too. Norfolk, New York, and Charleston, South Carolina are most often the next destinations for cargo ships leaving Baltimore on scheduled routes, according to an analysis from the International Monetary Fund’s PortWatch platform. That makes them the likeliest to absorb more imports in the short term, as per a report.
Source: Exim News Service: New York, April 2