MOL PLUS CO., Ltd. on Thursday announced the opening of the MOL PLUS India Desk. This is the third overseas office of MOL PLUS, following the MOL PLUS UK Desk and the MOL PLUS Singapore Desk.
India’s start-up ecosystem follows only the US, the UK and China in scale, and is among the world’s top 10 in six industries. Several cities, including Bangalore, New Delhi and Mumbai, demonstrate that a world class ecosystem is forming across a wide range of industries.
The MOL PLUS India Desk will focus on the areas of logistics (DX and supply chain management), deep tech and environmental sustainability (especially renewable energy). The MOL Group will increase the creation of investment and collaboration activities and realise a system that allows for speedier collaboration by locating activities in India, which is a priority region for the MOL Group.
MOL PLUS continually works to generate synergetic effects based on start-up companies’ innovative ideas and technologies and the MOL Group’s resources through investment in and collaboration with start-ups, aiming to create new businesses PLUS new value to the ocean shipping industry and society, highlighted a release.
MOL PLUS CEO Mr Takuya Sakamoto commented: “One of the strengths of the shipping industry is “originally” global business and the hurdles to engage in overseas business are low. We can develop business that crosses oceans with start-ups. Inspired by the big energy of the Indian region, the MOL PLUS India Desk is going full speed ahead from Day One.”
Source: Exim News Service: Tokyo/Mumbai, Nov. 28