Date: 27/09/2024

US East Coast ports gear up for strike

Several major ports are gearing up for a potential strike that could disrupt operations starting Oct. 1, 2024 as the current contract between the International Longshoremen’s Association and employer group United States Maritime Alliance expires at the end of the day Sept. 30. This has prompted port authorities to implement measures aimed at minimising supply chain disruptions. Port of New York and New Jersey along with terminal operators and intermodal rail providers urged customers to collect all import cargo by the end of business Sept. 30. The Port of Virginia has developed a detailed cessation plan should a work stoppage occur. Although Port Houston is not directly involved in the ongoing contract negotiations, it is closely monitoring the situation and will continue to receive export cargo through Sept. 30 and plans to operate vessels and gates until 7 pm, said a report.
Source; Exim News Service; New York, Sept. 26