JN Port invites bids for setting up and running automated empty container yard
On-line tenders in Forward Auction Mode on GeM Portal have been invited by Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority from experienced and reputed Container Terminal Operators/ Shipping Lines/NVOCCs/SAMO/ CFS/ICD Operators/Empty Container Yard Operators/Robotic Multilevel Car Park Operators, fulfilling Minimum Qualifying Criteria (MQC) for “Allotment of Vacant Land Parcel on Long Term Lease Basis of 30 Years at Jawaharlal Nehru Port for Operationalization of Empty Container Yard and Allied Services,” as detailed in the tender document.
The auction aims to attract entities interested in setting up Automated Empty Container Yard for handling, storage, repairs and cleaning of Empty ISO Shipping Containers to utilise the EXIM potential of the strategically located JN Port.
The port is engaged in augmenting infrastructure and facilitating the trade under EoDB initiatives. Developing this Empty Container Yard for a lease period of 30 years is part of the endeavour. For this purpose, a plot size of approximately 26.20 hectares (2,62,017 sq. metres) has been allotted for operating as empty container yard and carrying out allied services therein such as maintenance, servicing, repairs etc. of the empty containers.
The subject land parcels are located around 20-25 km from Navi Mumbai and around 35-40 km from Mumbai city. It is approximately 5-6 km from the port operations i.e. the jetty area. There is an existing large scale industrial infrastructure in the form of oil tank farm area and Special Economic Zone in the vicinity of the said land parcel. The area is very well connected to National Highways, Railway Corridors for export and evacuation of goods.
The project area is proposed to be developed with an optimal mix of various sectors which will boost traffic at the port. JNPA intends to develop the project and allocate land within the framework of the existing Land Policy Guidelines for Major Ports. The tenant/ unit holders are expected to abide by these rules or any subsequent updates issued by the regulatory body, the tender document said.
Source: Exim News Service: Navi Mumbai, Jan. 13